Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Nate & Laura & How They Met

Act Three, Scene One

Interior: Living Room of Kiyah, Laura, and Samantha's apartment.

Samantha, Ashley, and Laura sit around with scripts sipping coffee.


So, Nate should be here any minute--


Um, guys--


Really good script, Ashley!  I'm so excited to get started on my first film project!


Yeah, I just want to say--


And, you and Nate will be perfect together, Laura!


Yeah, about that--


What is it, Ashley?


Yeah, spit it out, girl-friend!

(Ashley begins to speak, can't figure out what to say.  There is a knock on the front door.)


Come in!

(Nate enters, smiles shyly at all.)



(He sits next to Ashley and moves into kiss her, she moves slightly and it lands on her cheek. He looks at her confused.)

(Samantha and Laura exchange a look.)


Well, then, before we get started, do you need anything, Nate? Coffee? Water?


I brought my water bottle, so I'm good.


Okay, well then, let's just dive in.  Now my advice, don't try to act, just read the words and let the words move you naturally.


Got it.

(Nate and Laura look at each other, their eyes meet.  Nate looks away.  Metaphoric Bell appears next to Laura, she kicks it.)


Okay, great.  Ashley, can you read the directions?


Got it.

(Ashley looks at Nate, but he doesn't notice, is too busy studying his script.)

Act One, Scene One, a bar late at night.  A dark-haired woman walks into the bar, wearing a long tan trenchcoat. She walks up to the bar and sits next to a scruffy young man, down on his luck.

WomAN(Read by laura)

Hey, stranger, come here often?

Man(Read by Nate)

Too much, lady, too much.

(Dialog continues in the background, Ashley's voice-over thoughts in her brain.)


Nate seems distant, maybe its because I didn't kiss him back...but I don't know.  Something seems to be off with him. I wonder--

(Dialog continues in the background as we switch to Laura's voice-over thoughts in her brain.)


This is fun.  But, if only that stupid bell would just cut it out already.  It started ringing the moment he walked in that freaking door and keeps getting louder and louder...So stinking distracting. I hope it doesn't show...And what was with him kissing Ashley, anyway...what the hell is going on anyway? Focus, Laura, focus.  You don't need this right now...I hope I'm doing okay--

(Dialog continues in the background as we switch to Nate's voice-over thoughts in his brain.)


I hope I'm doing okay.  I mean, I've never done this kind of thing before.  I am not sure really what to do.  But, it is fun.  I wonder though...what's up with Ashley? She seems...well, she said she just wanted to take it slow, so whatever...and why does Laura keep looking over at me? I mean, we are reading together but there is something about her eyes...

Laura (voice over)

Fuck these bells.

(Dialog continues in the background as we switch to Samantha's voice-over thoughts in her brain.)


This is going really well.  Good job, Sam.  You've done it again.  And they said you'd never amount to anything...God, Nate is kind of...well, he's cute...Oh shit, what's that? Oh for the love of...I hear it too!  God damn bells!

(Reading comes to an end.)


Great work, everyone.  Let's take a quick break and then talk costumes and shooting schedules!!!

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