Sunday, April 12, 2015

People Are Gay, Get Over It!

Okay, so I'm throwing my two cents over this whole 'businesses not catering to homosexual couples based on their religious beliefs' thing.

Because that's just what it is, in my view, a belief based on a conservatively minded, legalistic religion.  Exactly what Jesus spoke against when he pointed his fingers at the Pharisees, remember?

What did he call his followers to do instead?

To love, To practice nonjudgment, To serve.

So, how is banning certain lifestyles from our establishment following this creed? Furthermore, how is it lining itself with the society in which we live in, which aligns itself with the government, thevery government taxes are paid to by ourselves and our businesses, as Jesus commanded, "Render to Caesar what is due", so therefore choosing to disallow individuals from our businesses based on life-style choices goes against several of Jesus' commandments and, in fact, has a foundation more on our own righteousness than that of actual service or obedience.

He desired for us to follow his example, to love, to serve; how does one's reasoning that to deny service is, in fact, "hating the sin, loving the sinner" and not a cover-up for judgmental behavior?

Where do we draw the line? When are we going to stop casting stones and examine our own behaviors, sins, shortcomings, or what have you? When can we stop trying to change, convert, save, or rather pluck the stick from the others' eyes and pull the log out of our own? 

Conservative, evangelical Christianity has gotten too much about sin-sniffing and judgmental behavior than about following the path Christ laid out for us, that of grace and service, about making a difference by the expression of our lives.  This is one of the main reasons I stepped away from that belief system, besides the fact that it didn't really connect with all of that I believed.  

Furthermore, it appears as if Fundamentals are increasingly hibernating in their own little safe world of bible studies, church services, and other related Christian events, afraid to venture out into the big, bad, scary, scary world because anything can happen out there where I might end up in trouble.

Wait, there's the problem.  The emphasis is on "Me" or "I", how can I protect or service myself? Not others, not the world that Jesus and other great Spiritual teachers came to love and serve, who taught us to serve.  

Choosing to refuse service based on lifestyle is a form of judgment and in a sense taking the position of God and saying "I know what's right", when in fact, we don't.  We never do.  Freedom of speech and religion is one thing and I believe all our guaranteed, including you the business owner refusing to give service, but at others' cost of their freedoms?  Based on Jesus' words, we  have a moral obligations not only to follow his leading but to align ourselves with the laws of the land in which we live.  If you want to go against this based on your beliefs, go live in a Muslim country where you are free to discriminate based on lifestyle, orientation, even gender? Of course, you as a Christian would probably be discriminated against as well.  'What, me?' you say.  Yeah, truly, unless you changed your religious views.

It is because of this that I choose to look passed the outward appearance, lifestyle choices of those that come into my life, regardless of religious belief or sexual orientation, and seek to see what's going on the inside.  I know and can admit that I am far from perfect and in truth find myself casting the stones of judgment from time to time, like it or not.  But, I'm accountable enough with myself to admit it and try to change it.  How do I do this? By choosing to apply love and grace in every situation good or bad, by seeking to know why a person behaves the way they do, makes the choices they do, in short, looking passed my snap judgments and striving for understanding and relationships.

 I believe Jesus, as well as other spiritual leaders, wanted that from all of us.  So, don't get hung up on lifestyle choices or orientation! Get over it and love, serve, transform!

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