Friday, September 21, 2012

Emmanuel: With Us In the Storm

A few years ago, a pastor at my church in California was taking us through an understanding of the names of Jesus.  As I was going through a time of depression, the name that spoke to me the most was "Emmanuel" meaning "God is with us".  I read this morning in my daily devotional that without walking in the spirit, trusting in God, we will, in a sense, not acquire the land.  For some of you, this may cause a conflict of conscience as you may have not received the Lord's forgiveness for the ways you have trespassed.  And, in truth, even as I daily seek his forgiveness and grace, I know that I find myself following the flesh, the distractions of the world, and not of the Spirit.

And yet, this conflict leads to the pain of our heart, as we know the ways of the God are the pathways to life.  This prick of our souls is brought about as we receive God into our hearts, we become temples of the living God.  He is truly "with us" always.  As we receive his grace, we are given the strength to turn away from the ways of the world, of sin, that which damages.  As a good friend once explained, Glory In, Glory Out; Garbage In, Garbage Out.

In continuation of this thought, we can know the Lord is ALWAYS with us in our troubles and will see us through, as we place our faith in Him.

As you know from previous posts, I am a tried and true "Whovian", that of which, a fan of Doctor Who.  So, I find in the Doctor a reference to our Lord, in that, he always comes through in the trials of the world and thus in the trials of those he travels with, consequently, aren't we truly "companions" of the Lord chosen by Him to travel with him?  (May you come to that revelation today!)
In faith, The Doctor's companions cry out to 'save the world', which only strengthens their faith in him.  As we saw with Wilfred, he will also seek to rescue the lives of those that he loves individually and do right by them.

That is the Lord Christ's promise, that he will come through, that he is with us always, that his statement is true that he says in Joshua 1:5: "I will not leave you nor forsake you."

So, my prayer for myself each morning, noon, and night, that I will trust in this promise and receive it fully and obediently, He is with me and will come through in all my trials, troubles, and circumstances.  For those of you readers of the WWW, may your hearts not fear but trust in the Lord's promise, know that he is with you, and will come through.

"Grace to you and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil age, according the the will of our God and Father." Galations 1:3-4


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