Thursday, June 8, 2023

What does SUCCESS look like?


When you think of the word "Success", what comes to mind? Your star on the Hollywood walk of fame, a red carpet premiere, your name in lights, a home in the Hamptons? What if success meant something more simple, merely arising in the morning and achieving something, anything, even a small endeavor accomplished? I ask you, dear reader, when you finalize that one simple goal of the day, even such as putting the trash out, paying a silly bill, or making the bed, do you not feel a sense of satisfaction? 

Success as defined by my search engine, Ecosia: 

1.) the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.
2.) the attainment of fame, wealth, or social status.
3.) a person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains fame, wealth, etc..
4.) the good or bad outcome of an undertaking. archaic

The first of the definitions above is simply the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. In this society of which we live, specifically that of the United States of which I reside, we place such important on wealth and acquiring the finer things as markings of success, feeling as failures if we have not those finer things another has achieved. These finer things may not always be material but may be an accomplishment we personally have had lifelong learnings, such as a nice home, a fancy car, a public award or acknowledgment. Seeing another achieve can leave us feeling dejected or hopeless, unable to see the successes, the blessings, we have already achieved and accomplished.

However, perhaps that's the fault of our own insecurities to see success as some grandeur always unattained yet never to fully realize that the small steps taken each day lead us further in our soul's evolution, towards a deeper, meaningful life of fulfillment of which is the true embodiment of success.

In each step of the journey we traverse, success can be found for within each is the challenge in and of itself. Each new day brings its struggles to overcome, some within that timeframe and others to actualize later. But no matter how long, the steps of one after another once taken are in themselves moments of success to be reveled upon. All we have in this life is truly the moment we find ourselves, thus finding success within each step is the key to true happiness and peace.

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