Tuesday, November 1, 2022

All Saints/All Souls

 The ancient cultures once located in present day Mexico had their Dia De Los Muertos, along came the Catholics and Christians to incorporate those practices and create their own traditions, as per their custom.  All Saints Day, originally founded by Pope Boniface IV to be on May 13th 609 AD during the dedication of the Roman Pantheon in honor of those martyred, is a day honoring the saints' of the church who made a lasting impact, canonized or not.  The day was then changed to November 1st by Pope Gregory III when he dedicated a Roman chapel in St. Peter's Basilica in honor of the saints.  

All Saints' Day, known as All Hallows' Day or Hallowmas, is a Holy day for many facets of Christianity, including the Roman Catholic, Methodist, Lutheran, and other Protestant churches, even after the Reformation.  Consequently, Halloween is known as "All Hallows' Eve" as it comes the day before.  Similar to the Day of The Dead, Catholics and Christians believe there is an eternal connection between Heaven and Earth.  Thus, the ultimate significance of All Saints' Day is to honor the Saints of The Church, a sacred and official holiday in Roman Catholic countries. 

If All Hallowmas is a day to remember those martyred, canonized, and exalted within the church, All Souls' Day is a day to honor those departed within the church in our personal lives.  The Feast Of All Souls, as it is also referred, was originated in 998 AD on November 2nd by an abbot of the Benedict monastry in Cluny, present day France, with the directive to commerate and pray for the purging of the sins of their dearly departed and ultimate entrance into heaven.  Many Protestant churches have rejected the idea of Purgatory, so thus All Souls' Day has become non-existant for many Christians.  However, similar to that of Dia De Los Muertoes, if for none other reason, what a lovely way to remember and cherish those who have left our lives and departed onwards.

Articles used as research in this entry:
The Origins and Practices of: Samhain, Día de los Muertos, and All Saints Day

Who I will honor and remember on All Souls' Day, my personal Catholic Saints I have loved and who have passed on: 

Grandma Margaret Ann Holcomb Brugger

Grandpa Walter Arnold Brugger

Aunt Judy Brugger (second from left)

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