Sunday, November 27, 2022

Advent: The Coming #advent #holidayseason


1.) the arrival of a notable person or thing. 
2.) the first season of the Church year, leading up to Christmas and including the four preceding Sundays. 
3.) the coming or second coming of Christ.

 From the latin word, "adventus", advent means the coming or arrival of something great.  For Christians, mostly celebrated in liturgical Christian denominations as they prepare for the celebration of the birth of Jesus on Christmas Day.  However, those Christians outside the ecclesiastical calendar have begun also to celebrate according to their own belief.  Furthermore, those outside the Christian religion, may find symbolism in the season of Advent. Those in the ecclesiastical Christian calendar that celebrate Advent faithfully spend the time in meditative preparation for the coming of Christ's birth, contemplating what that means for their belief and the world.  Through practices such as the Jesse Tree, the Advent wreath, and the lighting of candles with the advent colors, purple (repentance and royalty), pink (joy and rejoicing), and white (purity and light), they teach their young to honor and keep the significance of the season.  

 More than just the coming of Christmas, this season to follow is representative of a variety of holiday traditions, hence, the phrase, "Happy Holidays".  This holiday season culminates with the farewell to the year ending and the commencement of a new year, a new season of life for all.  

Throughout the journey of my deconstruction from fundamentalist Christianity, I discovered that all religious and spiritual practice bear similar truths and import.  Thus, I feel the traditional holy days of one religion can impact and influence one of another faith.  

Therefore, let this Advent season be a meditative practice for us all to contemplate and prepare for the arrival of something great beneficial for us personally and collectively.

Advent Special #1: Fast, Pray, Decorate | LITTLE BY LITTLE | Fr Columba Jordan CFR

Articles used as reference:


What Is Advent?


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