Saturday, January 9, 2021

My Country Tis Of Thee!


My country, ’tis of thee,

Sweet land of liberty,

Of thee I sing;

Land where my fathers died,

Land of the pilgrims’ pride,

From ev’ry mountainside

Let freedom ring!

Writing a blog is not always an easy feat for me, aside from the general laziness that stimulates writer's block that all writers are not immune to, but also putting out a weekly blog is an aspect of vulnerability as I lay myself bare, reveal truths that hopefully will affect and transform the reader, as well as me.  So, it is with that impetus that I begin this entry. 

So, this week, like those all over the world, I watched as a mass of Pro-Trumpers stormed the capitol, in horror and with a myriad of thoughts racing through my mind.  The first being, this is not unexpected, not merely within the framing of the last four years and the madness incited by their 'leader', but because of our country's history overall.  For the United States of America is not the golden beacon it proclaims to be, a place where your dreams can come true, where all are accepted.  Instead, it is a country steeped in racism, sexism, and all the isms of bigotry and abuse lined up.  It's a country where the rich get richer, those in power become more influenced to corruption, and the poor become poorer and are left feeling increasingly disenfranchised.  So, with that all in mind, January 6, 2021's storming the capitol was not unexpected.  In fact, it's a real wonder that it took so long for something like that to happen.  It is a true course of our reality that our governing officials in the past have cheered on other countries who have had similar coups occur merely because it benefits their ruling power and authority.  So, thus these other countries may or may not be doing the same, or just laughing at us.  In fact, that is a common thread when something like this occurs in our country on such grand scale.  Why?  Because, we the people of the United States of America, nay They the Governing Officials of the United States of America, have often believed themselves to be the "World's Police", when often heard back metaphorically, "Mind Your Own Business, USA"."

That's right, America, we ain't perfect.  Step down from our egoistical belief that we are the chosen country, meant to dominate,control,dictate and the rest of the world must submit and follow.  Even closer to home, let go of your own personal belief that you are solely and purely right and your way is the highway, others must fall in line and do what is right by your standards.  That's right, I'm speaking to myself as well as to you, dear reader, to the left as well as to the right, politically speaking. 

True politics is not relegated to that of the government, but is a notion that can be found in any groups or settings of people combining together.  The idea is who is in power, how are they maintaining that power, who are those gathering with them to maintain that power, that position?   In fact, Plato believed that democracy is a danger due to excessive freedom. He also argues that in a system in which everyone has a right to rule all sorts of selfish people who care nothing for the people but are only motivated by their own personal desires are able to attain power.

I grew up in a very small, rural community and attended a small school, in fact, it was often referred to as a "Public School With A Private School Feel".  I hold pride in the education I received as a young-un.  Added to that, my graduating class was one of the largest to ever be during its entire existence at my school.  Every year the school board and faculty had to figure out how to accommodate our class size, dividing the grade up between two classes or pulling a combination of grades.  (I had the same teacher for both 4th grade and 5th grade, he is one of my personal favorite teachers & humans ALL TIME!) 

 Yes, the majority of my classmates and I have known each other since our wee early years of preschool, padding around in diapers and scribbles, still to this day.  Yet, my small school and world was not immune to the politic of popularity and my class had its 'popular girls', before Mean Girls was a thing.  There was a good collection of about 8 of them that fell into this group, the rest of us fell in line, secretly wished to belong (as all the unpopular desire), as well as laughed at their exploits.  But, one more thing occurred as I ascended through the grades, especially in high school, students from other grades whose presence I shared in separate classes would complain loudly about my class, then noticing me, would apologize with, "Ugh, I hate your class, not you, you know what I mean."  I would nod knowingly, thankful that I made the cut as it were.  ***

So, after graduation, as I went into life after high school (which there very much is), I was able to cross the pond and visit other lands, other countries.  In fact, as a naive twenty year old I was living abroad in Italy during the 1999 Albania-Yugoslavia war, of which my country's military was using the Italian airports to launch from.  Thus, the other students and I were told to stay safe, walk in groups, due to the animosity and resentment from the Italians (rightly so).  We were often hissed at and many of my classmates ended up putting a Canadian flag on their bags or backpacks.  For my part, with my dark hair and dark eyes, I was able to blend in so much that on my own I could pass as Italian, a fact I hold with pride to this day.  This afforded me to make many a friend of Italian citizen and would often face this reality as they argued over the occupation of their land by my country's government, "I hate your country, not you, you know what I mean."  And, once again, I'd nod knowingly, thankful that I made the cut as it were.  

So, this is been an ever present reality in every phase of my life, in every place, location, group I find myself within but what it has afforded me of fortunate is the ability to truly see, relate to, and understand both sides without getting caught up in groupthink loyalty.  This viewpoint affords my mindset on the current political climate and state of our union and world.  It affords me the ability to step back and listen to really hear beneath the rhetoric, the propaganda, the angry rants masquerading the pain, frustration, and fear.  On both sides. 

The United States has long been called "the melting pot" and thus proudly as we are known as a country that accepts those from other lands who need refuge and asylum.  Thus, a melting pot where we all blend into one, mixing together in this multicultural soup, to make one nation that is America.  But what happens when into this melting pot of multicultural soup is thrown bigotry of every kind, unkempt political corruption and abuse of power, and the disenfranchised?  The melting pot will boil over.  

Thus, that is what finally occurred January 6, 2021.

Now, like I said above and in many a place, I do not think that either parties are without corruption.  I'm not a 'blue no matter who' or rather "Democrat Good, Republican Bad" sorta thing.  Also, I am in full agreement with the fact that our country needs an overhaul, a revolution, but I do not condone the way that those rioters on Wednesday, January 6th chose to do thus, nor do I condone the way of Antifa.  I align myself more with that of Gandhi or MLK, Jr, personally as well as politically.  I think standing in peace goes along way to further your position.  I've personally been in the target of anger and yet not acted in the same way, watching as the angry party stutters in disbelief that I did not retaliate, sometimes it works to nullify their anger and other times not.  Either way, I stand in my own personal power.  But, I digress, that is my way of doing things and its not to say it's the right way.  (See above.) 

Thus, onto my thoughts on the attack on our nation's Capitol, I find it interesting that the increasing political upheaval of the last four years has coincided with a pandemic.  The sickness within that has plagued us, growing inside for decades, finally spills out without, forcing us to have to look, heal, and overcome.  In truth, this week I found myself down for the count with an illness (maybe it's Maybelline, maybe it's Covid19) and as I lay there shivering under the covers with a high fever, I couldn't help imagining my body with the images of that of the US capitol on January 6, 2021.  I pictured the virus (whether it be Covid19 or just the flu) storming into my body as did the rioters on the Capitol building with the Capitol police as the white blood cells defending and doing their best to hinder.  Damage was still done, as we know, but like the healing within we shall be better for the suffering.  My view on illness, whether it be physical or political, is that of a cleansing, suffering meant to reveal to us somewhere we have gone astray, an aspect of ourselves to release in order to overcome.

Make it clear, I do not condone that of the rioters on January 6, 2021, nor do I think what they did fell into a true revolution.  However, I think in a very real way, not in the belief of Donald Trump and his followers, that those Representatives and Senators that were in the building (both red and blue, I must add) had it coming, due to the long set political corruption and abuse of power.  Had It Coming 

But, I do not want to sound as I don't sympathize with the terror they experienced on that fateful day, no of course not.  Now, is not the time for that.  On the evening of January 6, 2021, I laid in my bed watching youtube video after youtube video of news station and late night talk show alike sharing their thoughts, footage of the events of that day, just searching, watching, listening, taking it all in in a state of numbness.  Trying to understand, the only solution I can foresee at this point is for us to come together, to talk and share our thoughts, feelings, views, yet also to truly listen with the attempts to understand and truly begin the healing process.

Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.  I welcome all, however, if any tend towards violence in nature, bigotry of any kind, they will be released and blocked.

***I want to add that I hold no ill will towards my high school class.  There is life after high school and it is truly glorious.  All that I mentioned above is truly part of our past, forgiven and released, through  the experience of age we have acquired a wisdom and truly, although apart, carry within us the notion that we are a forever fam. 

The Thriving Artist is a subset of Cafe-Girl Productions, Inc, a film and media company.  Find out more about us at: 

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