Back in the early 2000s, when the Matrix trilogy was first being launched, I was steeped into the beginnings of my Fundie life. Overwhelmed by the teachings of Jesus as the Savior as well the incessant hammering of eschatology by Calvary Chapel as proof that we were 'living in the end times', I saw Biblical symbiology in every place and circumstance. Upon reflection now, I realize this has more to do with the recurrent themes of story-telling active throughout history, which include that of a 'savior' and the classic 'hero' story, both apparent within the Matrix films. Thus, Neo was the Christ-like figure whose life purpose was to awaken others unto salvation yet simultaneously he was all of us on our own 'hero' journey. As I watched with this mindset rambling around in my mind, I became overly empowered and exhilarated as I left the theatre, to fight against the Matrix of destruction and sin as taught and beginning to be believed to me.

Recently, my boyfriend and I sat down to watch the latest in the series, The Matrix Resurrections, and after years of inner growth, recovery, and healing, my perspective on the theme of the over-arching story has changed greatly. No longer do I solely see the reality of the Matrix as an nefarious external reality that must be fought against, but rather understand it more fully to be a battle within and an inward discovery. I found this to be reflected within the story of Resurrections, while also staying true to the theme of outward corruption, with the storyline of Neo who has been returned to the 'Matrix' and made to believe that the other reality was a video game he constructed. Added to that, he regularly sees a psychotherapist who aids him in seeing that his glimpses of awareness into the reality of the real world are mere delusions and promptly refills his prescription, notably, blue pills. While I refuse to debate that a possible theme was the overindulgence of the pharmaceutical companies and psychiatry field in prescribing psychotropics, because I believe they are helpful, I do see how the usage of such theme can be beneficial in this place Neo has been returned. Like me, in his younger years, Neo was awakened to the battle without, working to destroy the corruption and controlling manipulation, and bring awareness or salvation to the world. Yet, perhaps Neo's own inner struggles were not fully realized and healed, thus although he had attained some level of enlightenment there was a part of him still in his own darkness.
The journey of life and recovery is diverse, within each discovery there is a new layer to peel away, sort through, process, in order to continue forward. Each layer in its own season is fraught and seemingly of the most difficult to overcome, yet once brought to fruition, a peace within until a new source of inner contention is brought to self awareness.
Thus, Neo's journey in Resurrections was an inner battle to overcome his deepest of pain and struggle, the choice of the red pill became even more crucial than that of earlier, because it was his own pathway to true healing, to reunion with his beloved, Trinity, to love, and, ultimately, to himself. It is this where I find myself today, vastly different from my younger view of the film, connecting with the recovery of the innermost soul deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole of the psyche until true union of peace and wholeness is met.
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