Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Rise & Fall #holyweek #universal


This week, April 2, 2023 thru April, 9, 2023 is known as a Holy Week for at least two of the major World religions, that of Christianity and Judiasm, with Palm Sunday, Passover, Good Friday, and, finally, Easter.  As I was preparing the scheduled social media posts for this month's birthdays and holidays, I was reflecting on how, as an ex-fundie Christian, I would express the importance of this week, especially that of the Christian religion. It struck me that the symbolism of rising and falling, death and resurrection is one not singular to Christianity or even one spiritual path, but one that can be found across cultures and religions throughout history.  

Relevant links: 

Religion and spirituality is an attempt to make sense of life and of existence.  The ways in which spiritual walks seem to be varied and different is actually a mask for their similarities.  One of which is the narrative of death, dying to self, endings, then resurrection, born again, and new beginnings.  The reasoning for this can be discovered within the workings of humanity and nature.  For into each life a little rain must fall, but joy comes in the morning.  In every life, no matter the race, nationality, or even species, good things befall as well as hardships.  We rise up, we fall down, we rise again.  If then, spirituality is a means of attempting to make sense of the chaos of life, then the texts and teachings of the various religious and spiritual teaching are figurative explanations for finding understanding and hope.  As it is written that deities of old, such as Jesus, died and rose again, so to, we experience losses, sorrows, the deaths of life which then lead to the enriching experience of rising again with renewal. 

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