Saturday, October 22, 2022

I am a born-again...wiccan!

May the Circle be open,
But unbroken.
May the love of the Goddess
be ever in your heart.
Merry Meet,
And Merry Part,
And Merry Meet again.

To be born again, mostly reserved for fundamentalist Christianity, simply means "to experience the new birth, "spiritual rebirth", or a regeneration of the human spirit".  In reality, the term "born again" did not originate from the translated words of Jesus, but from the Latin Vulgate, most likely coined by St. Jerome, then passed down to the writers' of the early biblical texts.  

From my personal spiritual journey, I have come to believe that all seekers, whether religious, spiritual, or not, are continuously on the path of rebirth and regeneration, which be the ultimate purpose for all, no matter the belief.

Born into an agnostic, non-religious family, I have always been a seeker, endlessly searching for something more than what is visible.  Whether it be for a personal security lacking within or an endless curiousity, the truth of my seeking heart never wavered.  

At a young age, playing with my friends, I believed in a God, similar to what I saw on the cartoon screens, long white beard, white frock, living amongst the clouds.  No matter the simplicity of that, I believed, innately, within myself in something beyond.  No one had to share this or impel this upon me, I simply just knew it.  Fear not, this is not going to be a Fundie-Christian testimonial of why you should believe and 'praise Jesus', but a recounting of the twists and turns imparted upon my spiritual journey.

As I grew older, into my teens, I found myself sharing dialogues with my friends' about what lay beyond, what was unseen, focusing more on the ways of occult, such as astrology and wiccan practices, dabbled with a hint of Buddhism, sprinkled within the context of our creative pursuits, which be writing, acting, singing, and the like.  

As I grew older, into my twenties, a broken, hurting, lost soul, I found myself entering the confines of the Christian Fundamentalist church.  Nine years part of that world view in total, counting the times where I 'backslid' out, then back in on fire for the Lord, as they encouraged, I proclaimed myself as born again Christian and born again virgin again and again and again.  (I kept returning to the dick, I mean, sin, as was premarital relations referred.) Never quite fitting in or making it with the authoritarian rule of the church, not with Jesus, the unconditional love I sought became increasingly the opposite, alike that of which I was raised and unlike that which I needed.  

Leaving left me more broken, empty then before, afraid I was a lost lamb caught in the throes of sin, I struggled to find my security and healing from the toxic effects of fundamentalism.  I spent those first few years out in a confining and abusive marriage, romantic love being another quest for security of which never finding fulfillment.  

Upon ending the marriage, I finally had the freedom to heal from the myriad of abuse from oh so many a source.  Breaking up with religion was a painful process as I struggled to define myself without that context.  Am I a Christian, I would implore, or do I even want to use that name to describe myself? The answer coming forth was resoundingly negative.

It was upon reading the Hindu text, Srimad Bhagatavan, wherein I found my freedom and forgiveness for the nine years of organized religion.  For I saw the similar language within this Hindu text as the Christian Bible, thereby realizing that all spirituality is alike, all humanity, regardless of race or origin, is on a quest to understand life's purpose, and that, truthfully, all paths do, in fact, lead to the great beyond (enlightenment/heaven/nirvana,etc).  

After the ten years deconstructed fully out of the church, I find myself returning to my first youthful spiritual position, wiccan, yet now a fuller appreciation for the practice and life-style.  "An it harm none, do what ye will" be the wiccan code and such I strive to live by within and without.  I find in myself truthfully born again.

Therefore, from my personal spiritual journey, I have come to believe that all seekers, whether religious, spiritual, or not, are continuously on the path of rebirth and regeneration, which be the ultimate purpose for all, no matter belief or none.  For my part, I find myself reborn once again to my original spiritual beliefs, yet whole and healthy, fully understanding the truth of to do no harm and wanting to impart beauty and wellbeing upon all, including myself.  Understanding finally that I need not be an expert in wiccan beliefs, nor any, but the true path of believers of any sort is to enjoy the quest, gathering, exploring, understanding more upon the soul's journey.  Constantly I am arriving more fully into myself, realizing that spirituality is simple yet profound, unique within, no need for conversion or display outward.  

For this, I am grateful for the choices I made that led me to where I am.  No longer do I feel hatred toward those that wronged, whatever the confines, for I am grateful for the lessons learned with all.  For without such, I would never have come to a place of truly becoming 'born-again' within. 

Come Little Children

Hush now dear children, it must be this way
Too weary of life and deceptions
Rest now my children
For soon we'll away
Into the calm and the quiet

Articles used as reference:

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed this. Happy for you. I have always wanted you to be happy as you are a delightful person. Love, Dad
