Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Wife and Mother Finding A Way to Make It Work!

Jamie Bouy is a young wife and mother living in Morgan City, Louisiana. I recently connected with her on Facebook through the health and wellness company, “ItWorks Global” of which she works. ItWorks Global is a faith based company that is active in 23 countries, focusing on changing lives in many ways, with the end goal of producing a better lifestyle for all.

Jamie discovered ItWorks Global through another girl on Facebook, who was just like her but found a way to alter her life for the better. This lifestyle inspired Jamie and brought the revelation that if this girl could do it, she could too. Jamie's faith is the most essential part of her life and she believes wholeheartedly that God created her 'to be successful and have faith in him' above all else. She also loves the fact that through this company she has made friends all over the world, who are also finding success through having faith in God and being happy through following His calling. She states that the business, on every level, would not work without having faith in God and His provisions.

She explained that she joined the company knowing that it would help her make a better life for herself and her family. In addition, she found that she was following her passion of helping others to have that better life through healthier living. ItWorks Global believes wholeheartedly that their products can work in bringing about optimal health and a better life for all. In that, they will willingly work with all their customers, supporting them in their growth as individuals, not in a corporate mindset. ItWorks Global has a passion to help others, seeing the best in all, and hopes to help all live their best lives.

ItWorks Global's first product was their contouring wraps, which promised to tighten and tone the body starting with the neck, then downwards, in 45 minutes or less, and delivered. From there, they want on to create ItWorks Keto Coffee, which burns fat and satisfies hunger, giving you the ability to manage your physical weight and reaches your goals. Next, they have their Our Greens and Just Celery powdered, mess free products which help to detox the body.

For more information about ItWorks Global or to order some of their products, head over to:

Monday, February 17, 2020

A Blog About A Dream I had

So, hereto, begins a dream I had and since its regarding a popular 80's and 90's TV show that had a huge influence on me, both as an actor and as a human, I think it fits in within the Cafe-Girl theme of all things film and media related, in a sense.

In the age where TV shows and films from my youth are being rebooted, I think its fitting that this dream centered around the reboot of my beloved Night Court.  

So, the reboot of this fabulous work of pop culture art began with each episode following the life span of each of the main characters from the cast above.  My role was as a daughter to the lead, Harry Stone, and my story of growing up as the daughter, Elizabeth Stone, wove through the tapestry that is the lives of those involved.  With six episodes beginning with of course, Harry, Elizabeth traveled between each character discovering their origins that led them to be a part of the story viewed on Night Court and what their lives were like after, told in an almost documentary style with a flashback  on past images.  Their stories helped Elizabeth come to terms with her own life purpose and make the decision to finish law school, following in the footsteps of her father.  

The final episode followed Elizabeth in present day, fully grown, trying to make sense of her life, figure out what she was meant to do, her life purpose as it were.  At one point, we discover that after a failed marriage leaving her pregnant with twins, Elizabeth has developed an addiction to anxiety medication.  This leads her to a mental breakdown ending in hospitalization where she is being scolded for the addiction as they are harmful to her unborn children, the pills of which were prescribed by a doctor.  Alone in her hospital bed, in the agony that comes from guilt, she lay hooked up to monitors and in the pit of despair.  Her father, Harry, came to her, crawled beside her in bed, and held her close as he sang the lullaby he had created for her as a child:

"Rest my precious darling
Be at peace my beautiful darling
All will be made well
Rest my precious darling"

At this, Elizabeth was able to rest to the point of a deep sleep and upon waking the world seemed not so desolate or desperate.  We, then, find ourselves in a montage: 

Elizabeth completing the bar exam.
Elizabeth taking her two children to daycare.
The camera following a judge walking through the halls of a courthouse, people nodding, saying, 'Hello Judge Stone.'
The door of the courthouse being opened, a woman clerk saying, "All Rise, The Honorable Judge Stone presiding".
The camera pans around as Elizabeth enters, not Harry and crosses up to her bench. 
She glances in the direction of the court clerk and sees Mac, fade into the new court clerk of a young perky woman.
Then glancing at Christine Sullivan who fades to a young male attorney.
 Then glancing at Dan Fielding who fades into a young and very sexual female DA.
 Then finally glancing at Bull and Roz who fade into new guards.
 Then back to Elizabeth who says, "Please be seated".  
She then picks up the gavel, looks at it, "All right," with a twistful flare, then banging it, she says, "Let's do this."  
The credits roll and with that a new day dawns, the reboot of Night Court with a new cast, new storyline has begun.

Okay, I, for one, think that would be a bomb-ass reboot, I don't know about you and part of the reason for sharing it is so I can remember to write it down for the hopeful purpose of seeing it become a reality.   But, the dream has an even deeper meaning for me personally and as my life and art are free falling happily into a realm of truth to the point of radical, I will share that with you all now.

As a child already dealing with depression and anxiety, I found such a reprieve and comfort in Night Court, to the point, that I fantasized that Harry Anderson was indeed my father, that I was a part of the show.  The character, Elizabeth, was not something I dreamed up last night but a life-long fantasy, if not desire.  As a child, I did not fully understand this desire, but now I can see it stems from a deeper need for connection with those that love unconditionally and seek to uplift.  For reasons I care not to divulge at this time, that was lacking within my own heart.  Thus, this dream has the deeper meaning of finding healing, comfort, and courage from this sort of family.  

There are times, even in my present adult life, where I just wish I could close my eyes, take a deep breath, and I was Elizabeth Anderson, with the past dream of being a part of this show.  Times when life seems too difficult due to a plethora of issues ranging from financial woes to emotional blights, I find myself desiring to disappear from this reality and to appear in this almost tangible yet unreal reality.***

But, if that were to happen, in truth that reality would have its host of problems and issues.  Life is full of both the good and the bad and its our, at times, difficult job to find the gratitude and lessons learned within each moment.  In this, the goal of our individual lives is to continuously evolve to find understanding, peace, and become whole within our life circumstances.  

I know I've felt like this before
But now I'm feeling it even more
Because it came from you
Then I open up and see
The person falling here is me
A different way to be
I want more
Impossible to ignore
Impossible to ignore
They'll come true
Impossible not to do
Impossible not to do
Now I tell you openly
You have my heart so don't hurt me
You're what I couldn't find
Totally amazing mind
So understanding and so kind
You're everything to me

***(Perhaps that's the story to be told, of a young girl's fantasy becoming true and the lessons learned.  We shall see.)

Sunday, February 9, 2020


Recently, I attended an event with the local film community which prompted an interesting revelation of my soul.  Increasingly in the past year, I have become more and more introverted and a self professed, dutiful homebody.  More-over, I have realized that I need not apologize for this lifestyle choice and yet I do find myself doing just that.  However, as I progress along my spiritual path, I am learning daily to practice self care necessary to maintain mental stability to achieve optimal emotional health and enhanced spiritual atonement.  Basically, as well as working several survival jobs, getting the production company thriving, focusing on my own artistic endeavors, that is my internal and most important focus.

So, at this film event, surrounded by the faces of beautiful souls who I had not seen in a minute, I was struck with the discovery of how my own self work and spiritual growth had changed my perspective.  For the record, I do see the value of attending such events as well as supporting my friends in their artistic endeavors of all sorts from a professional standpoint as well as of the heart.  However, I do find that my soul is one that needs a lot of down time to recover from the busyness and business of my life.  In every social situation, I pour outwards more than I internalize.  Added to that, I am currently in a major transitional position in my life that has me at times in an emotional precarious space of mind. 

So, back to the revelation:  My confidence and self worth had grown to such that I no longer felt the need to concern myself with the politics of the pursuit of being accepted.  So much of my life in the last few years has been weaning myself away from the toxic element in relationship and actively choosing the positive and pure.  This active choice has not only healed the intense damage from a lifetime of abuse but has provided me with the strength to endure the changing tides of life and love.

I realized that all this intense spiritual seeking has in fact provided me with a perspective change.  I no longer feel the necessity to 'play the game of politic' as a means to advance my career or approval rating.  I know it is a fashion of the industry I am in as well as a facet of our society, but what is occurring in me is taking me to a higher level.

To be honest, I am evolving. 

And, what is the catalyst that is causing this evolutionary growth spurt?

Love.  Simply love. 

Taking the space to heal and rest has provided me with an increased appreciation of myself, a strength to persevere, an ability to carry a soft heart with a thick skin when the slings of the narcissistic abuser tried to overtake, the increasing ability to choose to not fall sway to the power of the abuser and in a sense take back mine, and thus to continue to see the larger view of the world, the universe, life in all its finery and sometimes ugliness.  Actually in the ugly moments there is at times the most beauty because that is when we grow, heal, and learn. 


I want to express my humility and sincerity that I do not mean to place myself on a high altar.  I do not see myself better than anyone nor do I see my spiritual enlightenment as a means to show off.  We are all on our evolutionary process upwards, each at different levels of growth.

There is no race to the finish line, truly in love and honesty we must seek to assist others to grow more fully into their highest selves.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Not Mere Words, Intention

Back in my fundie days, there was a popular turn of phrase passed around, Christianese.  It was a word describing the fundamentalist way of speaking about their faith.  Christianese, the pastor would explain, will confuse a non-believer and make it hard for them to be converted. 

This explanation I have come to realize is an underhanded realization and expression by the pastor in saying, "We sound cray-cray to the heathens, we gots to change that."

However, as I progressed further through my fundie journey, it wasn't just the non-believers shunned by the chosen language of the so-called followers of the faith.  More and more, the way certain denomination spoke reflected that particular sect and separated from another church.   They would even go so far as to severely judge another's walk if the right words weren't said.

Why am I bringing this up now?

Because increasingly in this modern age of radical honesty and political correctness, I find those more with the liberal bent bringing to mind my former fundie friends in that its the words, not the intention that are the focus. That said, like Christianese, the politically correct liberal have taken on the same philosophy. 

Are you using the correct pronouns that one has chosen for themselves? Are you aligning yourself in any way with one who is known to be racially unjust?  Are you body and slut-shaming the victim of rape while siding with the abuser?  And, on and on it goes until a person who goofed on a certain phrase or wording is, as the kids say, cancelled.

Right.  Okay.  I am one for self-discovery and honoring one's journey in search of that.  I am one that wants to honor one's truth and I do my best to use the correct pronouns and align with their life decisions in a way that is honoring to both them, myself, and the rest of society.

But, wait, did I not use the correct wordings in my last paragraph?

What if I did? What if I didn't?

You know what? Its okay.  Why? Because I ask you sincerely and with utmost honesty, look at my heart, not the mere outward appearance.  Focus on my intention, not the mere words.  It's becoming easier and easier in the age of social media to react quickly rather than stop, listen, discuss, and try to really understand.  The result, the gap widens and we are split from true interaction that would uplift our soul's growth.

So, let's steer clear of becoming liberal fundamentalist and not get encumbered with the wordings, allowing ourselves to become swallowed up by the need to react, lest we become that which we hate, angry with our own prejudices, and even worse, isolated.